Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Life in 5 Bags

With a successful medical clearance, (Thank God for that as I am feeling better than ever with my ideal weight, ideal blood pressure and an attitude fit for a lower latitude)  I have packed everything I can into 5 bags.   One computer, a bag of dive gear and 3 others with clothes and video production gear will be expensive and difficult to negotiate around airport and ferry terminals.

 On June 28, it will be a 7 hour flight with a layover in Atlanta. The plane leaves for Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas USVI, where I then ferry to Tortola for reaching my final destination.  Here is where Customs inspects and charges duty on my possessions. 

Suits, sportcoats and sweaters were all sold, tossed or given away.  I'm leaving the rat race behind so island wear is the appropriate attire. My daughter inherits some of my belongings and most of my furniture was sold. A little yellow case has traversed the Caribbean with me for many years. Here it is with other bags in St. Maarten.  You can see it's covered in location stickers from many islands.  I am sadly disposing of this little yellow case.

The work permit approval is valid for 3 months, but I am relocating   June 28.  I will arrive only to go through the grueling process of securing the Work Permit.  The BVI Beacon (local paper) spoofed the process in a funny article: BVI Beacon Link  You must read this if you ever plan to be an expat.

Nomads, the next time you hear from me will be from Tortola.

The Odyssey continues...