Tuesday, September 6, 2011

North Side Wanderings

My wanderings took me to a strange lair on the north side of Tortola.  It was dusk and the air was hazy, heavy and hot.  We walked up to the beach and heard the crashing waves and felt a cool breeze that comforted this wanderer.  As night fell, we settled into Bomba's Shack for a full moon party.

Bomba Shack

Brewers Bay Tortola

I wandered to Brewers Bay for a day of snorkeling.  It was good to return to my element, but I long to dive deeper with a tank of compressed air strapped to my back.

Ocean Star
A wooden schooner has graced Soper's Hole lately.  Ocean Star with its two wooden tree high masts harkens back to sailing days gone by.  The boat appeals to this wanderer as an example of real Caribbean charm.  It is a refreshing change from the ubiquitous white "chlorox bottle" boats. 

Though not for a sail,                                                      
Do I seek a breeze.                                                         
Not from squall nor gale,
Just the cool air please.                                                                                     

It lifts my spirits high.
It's ice on my back.
It allows me to fly
In a vapor attack.

A tropical breeze
Of salty sea air;
It rustles the trees
And flows through my hair.

It kisses my face.
It keeps me at ease,
In a fresh embrace.
That tropical breeze.

......the odyssey continues