Friday, April 29, 2011

The Wanderer Prepares

It was supposed to happen over a year ago.  I would have begun this blog then, but the growing pains of a small TV Network, confusion, misunderstandings and other delays all contributed to why I am not there today.  The BBC had not  yet abandoned the Caribbean and the Network had some internal strife.   Now the BBC is gone and the Department of Labour has approved my work permit application.  The process usually takes 6 to 8 weeks, but only after two weeks I was contacted with news of the approval.  After clearing the medical, I am ready to begin the Odyssey.

I must sell, toss or give away nearly all that I own.  It is ironic that all of my Caribbean styled furniture must be sold (it would be perfect where I am going).  Dinnerware, silverware, outerwear and all my wares must go.  I am packing 5 bags with video gear, scuba gear and clothes (that are appropriate for the tropics).  The baggage is going to double my airfare and what I bring is subject to duty. 

The plan is to fly into St. Thomas and take a ferry to Tortola.  Negotiating these 5 bags (250 lbs) around the airport and ferry terminal will be difficult.  There is no direct flight to the British Virgin Islands.  This helps keep these islands somewhat isolated, maintaining some Caribbean charm. So Nomads, this is an ideal location to witness the true beauty of an unspoiled Caribbean.

There will be a moving sale in the next week or so.  If you live in the Detroit area, please stop by and see if you like anything.  It would be nice to see old friends once again.

The Odyssey continues......

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