Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Irene Stopped By: A hurricane day off

Well Nomads, Emily just caused a little wind and rain, but Irene stopped by and became mean.  She toppled rocks from the hillsides, uprooted trees and blackened the island with power outages and the water would not flow in faucets. This wanderer loved the cool breezes she brought.

Fallen rocks on road

Road washed out

I went to work only to find the doors locked and offices dark.  I then stopped by the Royal British Virgin Island Yacht Club to offer some help.  We mopped the floor from an onslaught of rain and emptied a powerless freezer.  Sue, the Administrator there, offered me anything I wanted from the bar.  I concocted a spicy bloody mary and visited a while with her and her "old salt" husband Tim.

 No power, no water, no problem. 

Fort Burt Hotel/Drakes Point Restaurant

 I will be shooting a show Saturday.  "How to Throw a Successful Hurricane Party" at the Fort Burt Hotel.  They profess that the hotel and bar will never close due to a hurricane.  After all it is a fort. After the "hurricane" gig, I will be shooting a BVI Fashion Show there.

Sir Richard Branson's Necker Island property

A lightening bolt from the storm set a house on fire at Necker Island.  Kate Winslet was credited for saving a 90 year old woman in the house.  The following is from Richard Branson's blog.  He wrote,

"We had a tropical storm with winds up to 90mph. A big lightning storm came around 4am and hit the house. My son Sam and nephew Jack rushed to the house and helped get everyone out and many thanks to Kate Winslet for helping to carry my 90 year old mum out of the main house to safety - she was wondering when a Director was going to shout CUT!"

......the odyssey continues.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Wandering to Nevis


Our new web site features Yours Truly in the Production section. We will soon add photographs to the site. Because of my extensive production experience in the Caribbean, CBN Productions was born and I now get to pick up where I left off some years back.  CBN TV51 polo shirts are on order as well as photo press passes.  Also a new Sony XDCAM 2/3 inch 3 chip HiDef camera will be in our arsenal of video tools.  This is a breakthrough camera and is so popular that major vendors have it on back order. 

The Island of Nevis

The Nevis Tourism Authority was pleased to hear of my tourism/hospitality video/marketing experience in the Caribbean, and is contacting business owners there encouraging our services to help tourism on the island.

I will wander there soon to discuss our production and broadcast services and then return again later with above mentioned camera in hand. 

 Here is where we may bring in Rosemary Vivian as on camera and voice over talent.  Rosemary has worked with me before on Caribbean shoots and we are good friends and make an excellent tourism marketing team. 

The Nail Bay Resort  in Virgin Gorda and the new Anagada Beach Club is interested in both our Production and Broadcast services and may require on camera talent as well. 

We are also creating a program called "What's In Your Galley"  where a top chef will arrive at a charter yacht by dinghy and ask the question.  When asked, "why?," she responds, "I am going to make you dinner!"  She has cooked for Sir Richard Branson on his Necker Island. resort.

The Odyssey continues......

Monday, August 8, 2011

It's A Pirate's Life For Me

Here I hide from dragons and wander into new lairs as captain of a vessel I call "My Caribbean Odyssey."  You see Nomads, it's a Pirate's life for me.  I pay only for fuel...for a car and for me.  My effects are nothing but dive gear, video gear and clothing.

I always look to dance under tropical night skies and dive into the grandeur of wrecks and reefs.  I watch the sea from a beach under the fronds of a spreading palm tree, as if it were a giant green parasol. Viewing the sea clears my mind and provides a peaceful feeling.

Before my days of pillage and plunder, I lived as a yankee in another land. 

                               I miss:
                          family and friends
                          Detroit Tigers
                          cheaper everything
                          sports radio
                           I do not miss:
                            climate changes

                          What I like most here:

                             beaches and beach bars

Pirate's Bight on Norman Island

                               blue shades of the sea
                               friends I've made
                               my work 
                               islands to explore
                               $5 Chinese lunches at the UP,
                               $2 tacos at Frenchman's Cay Resort
                               $5 breakfast sandwiches at D' Best Cup of Coffee.
                               the pool at Village Cay
                               summer festival (5 day weekend)

                             What I like least here:

                                 steep hills to drive