Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Odyssey Resumes


The Odyssey resumes.  I return to my island home in Tortola. The Alaska experience was memorable and it is a nice place to visit, but I do not want to live there.  My pirate blood runs too thin. The Music City was better and comfortable but this Yankee had a dream to chase. I followed my heart back to the islands.

More pirate tales, photos and videos to follow.  All comments are welcome.

I will be re joining the Royal British Virgin Island Yacht Club.
 I met the new Commodore last time here and hope to get
 involved in Club activities. I will hopefully be moving to a
 beach condo and getting a boat for diving or a hillside place
 with a view of the ocean. Any nomads who visit will get to go to the famous Baths of Virgin Gorda, the pirate haunt of Norman Island and the beaches of Cane Garden Bay. 

The Odyssey resumes....

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