Sunday, March 30, 2014

Followers Now Known as Wanderlusters


I have concluded that my followers should be known as Wanderlusters.  From the word wanderlust which means to have a desire to travel as this explains:
He undertook this globetrotting adventure for two reasons: to feed his  wanderlust  and to ponder his own final resting place.  
Hopefully my stories, photos and videos will feed your wanderlust as well.   Nomads no more and my wanderings will now feed your wanderlust to join the intrepid souls who chase dreams and follow their hearts.
Scroll down to the bottom of the entire blog and join as a follower/wanderluster.  
Thank you Wanderlusters are about to be teased with a taste of the tropics.  Stay tuned.....
the Odyssey continues. 

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