Tuesday, May 6, 2014


                                                         BACK  in TORTOLA

The Labour Department is typically slow to approve ex pats but I now find myself in the Caribbean.  There is little for this wanderer to worry about as this has all been done before.  It's a real been there, done that except this time I get to do it  better.

Flying out of Detroit to St. Thomas (was just there hmmm) and then on a ferry to Tortola.  I enjoy watching the sea planes land and take off while waiting for the ferry.  The seaplane company is right next door to the ferry dock.

Sea planes are among my favorite Caribbean images.  They are reminders of nostalgic travel to exotic destinations of days gone by.  Before airlines traveled to these destinations, the only way to arrive was by boat or sea plane.  Although used as commuter planes these days, it is refreshing to see them take off and land right in front of you while waiting for the ferry. 
Customs is next but newbies are allowed $1000.  The ploy is to make sure that you claim everything to be very old and has little to no value. Duty is the problem with foreign countries and that is why little property is relocated.  St. Thomas is entirely different as ex pats bring nearly everything.

My employer will collect me at the ferry dock in Road Town and transport me to my temporary housing. I'll pick up a rental car the next day and begin searching for a permanent tropical abode.  This wanderer will be exhausted from a day of negotiating 6 bags along with heavy carry on luggage through airports, taxis and ferry docks.  Ahhh but the pleasure will be worth all the pain.

I made it through the medical vetting with a pleasant 3.5 hour hospital visit.  They are intolerable when it comes to details.  I did not cry but chuckled a bit at the process and how so many may have just turned around for home. Tomorrow I go to Labour and Immigration for a long day of vetting there. 

I stay in Cane Garden Bay for a month until I find my own place. 
The drive up from Road Town is quite an adventure.
The drive down to Road Town is about the same.

The view is spectacular but just about any where you live on the island there is bound to be a visual treat.

My landlord provides me with an ample supply of DVD movies and I will add MLB.TV to the media mix here. 

This wanderer viewed some properties today with a lovely BVI real estate belonger who had a right hand steering vehicle.  I kept trying to get in the driver side.  We found my Caribbean "charmer" but I may keep looking. This place suits me just fine for now. I am heading up to Sage Mountain this weekend. 

It is the highest peak on the island. I will lunch with a view of Tortola with camera in hand.

I have yet to get wet, but a dive will be soon scheduled. The lovely real estate agent that showed me places today is the daughter of a dive shop owner that I knew from my last tour here.  It is a small island for sure.

Here are some interior photos of my temporary residence.

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