Sunday, May 25, 2014

Limin' Drivin' and Writin'

Taken from my car window
Cane Garden Bay offers some unique sunset photo opportunities. When the sky is clear, the colors are vibrant and reflect resplendently upon the water.

Getting a driver's license was easy this time as I only  needed to renew my old one.  The only test was for vision and I could even use the same photo. Why not look 2 years younger?

The Internet here is not very dependable.  Lime is the service provider for the island and I like to say that they are "liming" or out at a party instead of working on better Internet service. Limin' is a Caribbean slang term that is the namesake of a publication here in Tortola. 

Quito's is a popular hangout at Cane and they hosted the Music Festival on the Beach.  It seems to be a watering hole and a calypso cafe for locals and tourists alike.  On my previous tour here I was critical of the local music, but now it seems I was just listening to the wrong bands.  Quito is a fine musician and Trinidad may not be the only music mecca in the Caribbean.

I have put off diving until more sunny days are upon us. In the Caribbean that can be tomorrow easily.  The clouds are better than rain though and the trees I thought to be dead on the mountainside are flowering instead. Although unaware of the flower, it is good to know that dead trees do not scourge this tropical landscape.

Pygmalion brings his statue Galatea to life.
On This Isle'
On this isle' I find
A reason to wait
For life to unwind
To my final escape.

On this isle' I take
The time to repair.
Though time is at stake,
A deed I declare.

On this isle' I seek
Not freedom from love
But life's mystique
Has pushed me to shove.

On this isle' I build
The dream I desire.
My days shall be filled
With starting that fire.

On this isle' I take
A page from the Greeks:
She lives, she's awake!
Galatea speaks!

On this isle' I wake
From a dream so true.
A princess to take;

My love, where are you?

Please send your comments and join my blog.  Be a Wanderluster!  


 the Odyssey continues...


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