Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cane Garden Bay

I am perched high above Cane Garden Bay where the view is no less than spectacular. The landlord offered me a jeep and place to stay where I cannot have guests but will get settled and move to a two bedroom tropical abode soon.  Pack your bags later wanderlusters as the Virgins will be here for you with a tour guide extraordinaire.
I must admit that Cane is one of the best beaches here and I should be very happy to be so close. It is but a 3 minute drive to the beach and
this weekend is the Cane Garden Music Festival.  I will be on the beach but could probably hear from my balcony.  Going to the beach is easy so I may arrive early and leave early.  The rum is bound to saturate all tourists and locals alike. I shall get home safe and listen to the island music from my balcony.

Quitos is a popular place here and music seems to be primary to food, drink and beach.  It is live most every night and it is where I met a fellow expat last time here.  She and I went through immigration together.  

Here is my 4WD ride in the BVI.

I would rather be nearer to town, but I usually do banking and shopping while there after work before traversing up the hill. It is Joe's Hill and what a ride!... I will video tape the adventurous trip soon for you wanderlusters so you can appreciate your simple daily drive to work . Let me just say, 4 wheel drive is necessary on the rock

Brewers Bay is nearby where the best burger on the island can be tasted at Nicola's on the beach.  I must admit they are quite good and this wanderer may just find his way there again soon but with mask, fins and snorkel as the reef there is a delight for the skin divers.

My landlord has a friend who needs a diver to cut the nets when he fishes so I will be rewarded with fresh fish, lobster and whatever else is available in the bountiful sea.

That is all for now wanderlusters.  Stay tuned.

the odyssey continues.....

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