Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Living the Dream

Although it may be easier to pass through St. Peter's gate than to work in the BVIs, I  successfully moved through the BVI immigration process.

As Odysseus sailed from the shores of Ithica, I too leave the comfort and familiarity of  my own shores to venture far from home.  I am now an ex patriot and work permit resident of the British Virgin Islands.  I am a non belonger who literally has no more respect than the transient tourist  In fact many would say that the tourist brings money to the islands and is appreciated where a non belonger simply takes an islander's job.  Just the term, non belonger suggests a notion of being unwelcome and undesirable.  This may be an  issue with the unemployed locals.  Fortunately unemployment is not high in the BVI.

 I was met at the ferry terminal and driven to my new apartment on West End Tortola.
An eerie feeling came over me as a British Virgin islander (my boss, and owner of Caribbean Broadcast Network Limited) drove me to  West End Tortola.  Was I making the biggest mistake of my life?  I have accepted gigs on a cruise ship and on an Atlantic sailboat crossing only to say, "This is not for me."  Would this be any different?  

As I am one of 25 Americans allowed on the island yearly,  I feel a sort of duty to represent America in a foreign land. Although many Americans live here, I will never compromise my heritage or love of country.  God save the queen, but - Oh By God - Bless America.

July 4 means nothing here but a military defeat in British history.  I may next year find myself on St. Thomas for the night and revel in the pageantry as an American with fellow Americans in America.

Nomads, why would I ever take this life, as it is given, with any doubt or deliberation?  I am here and I shall make the best of it.  How many can say they are living the dream; working at what they love to do and living where they always wanted to be?  I always felt that the epitome of success was getting paid for doing what you would pay to do.  Professional golfers are the best example, but I actually feel that way now.  My earnings fail to compare with pro golfers, but the satisfaction of my work and life in the sun gives me reason to believe that I am living the dream.  I work in television .. in the tropics. 
Pinch me. 

the Odyssey continues...

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear everything is going well! Jack talks about you often!
