Thursday, July 28, 2011

Yankees in The British Virgin Islands

After about a month here, it is abundantly clear that Americans are the minority and treated with little respect by many. Canadians here are well accepted as they too honor the beloved queen.  The Irish and Scottish find us more tolerable and in fact sometimes more so than their fellow British countrymen as these Celtic subjects of the queen were put on the front lines of battles in front of the Englishmen.

I met an American, who not only is a neighbor here on the West End of Tortola, but he also hails from the Detroit area.  Don has been on the island a few months longer so this wanderer has found a good resource for expat questions and issues facing Americans.  He has in fact become a good friend.  He "tagged along" with me on my last project.

Kia Sportage
I now have a car and recently found myself wandering to the popular sites of Tortola.  Here is a photo of my new 4 WD ride.

The British Virgin Islands celebrate a summer festival each year and next week this wanderer will spend some quality leisure time at Long Bay.  It is a 5 day weekend so lots of free time to wander.

Nomads, the only frustration is that I cannot share the beauty of these islands with someone.  To see the beauty with my eyes only is empty and tugs at my heart for friends and family to co-witness such tropical splendor.  Although it rains a little almost daily, the sun is soon out and the island glistens in its glorious shades of green and blue.  The ocean is tranquil and beckoning.  I long for the opportunity to dive the shipwrecks and reefs around these islands and shoot some great underwater programs for Caribbean Broadcast Network.  I am now Operations Manager/Executive Producer for CBN Productions.

We are beginning the week long Summer Festival here and a 5 day weekend will be enjoyed for all but the tourism/charter industry.  I will head to Long Bay and lunch at Bomba's Shack with a friend.
The Bomba Shack

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you found a friend! How weird that he is from the Detroit area too!
